Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I'm Back!

After a four month hiatus and ten additional pounds later we are back in action. There has been a lot of craziness in my life over the last couple of months and I have been using that as an excuse to eat like an Olympic swimmer, which means if I were Michael Phelps it would be about 12,000 calories a day. Unfortunately, I don't work out like him so that many calories pays out a different sort of dividend (inches on my waistline for example). That being said, we are going to try this again.

One of my favorite quotes is, "If you are tired of starting over stop quitting!" This is such an easy piece of advice. Every single time I sabotage my health it is followed immediately by the thought, "You already screwed up, guess an extra cookie doesn't matter now." That is completely irrational! What I should be telling myself is, "Make a smarter choice next time! Walk for an extra 20-30 minutes to walk it off." Rather than consider this a mulligan I'm going to consider it a lesson learned and pick up where I left off rather than start from scratch.

This time around I have some added support. My mama is getting healthy with me! I am so blessed that she is going to be going through this journey with me. She has three little grandbabies that want her around to see their children grow up. We both have a lot of work to do and are looking forward to doing it together.

I have also been working on getting a fitness challenge going. It runs for six weeks (May 19th through June 30th). Person with the highest percentage lost at the end of the challenge wins. I thought this might be a fun way to kick-start a fitness program. We are encouraging healthy methods rather than drastic starvation diets. This includes one or two physical activities per week that are optional. If anyone is interested in joining us please let me know. The cost is $20 per person and I threw in an extra $50 just to sweeten the pot a bit. We have about five people interested and I would love to see ten or fifteen more. I would also love to have some fun activities for people just getting into being physical. Walking is good but I want something a bit more fun than that.

I also committed to blogging daily during the challenge so if you want to join in from afar you can still be connected. 

Have a blessed day!